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calculating business value
Use these calculators to estimate your business value based on net business cash and asset value. These are simple approximations. A true value is better detemined by a professional review.
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assessment calculators
The 5-Year cash assessment look at the profiability of the business over the past 5 years. This is the more common parameter when valuing a business. If profitability is trending up over the past 5 years, the higher the value of the business.
Next: 4-Yr AssessmentProfitability (net cash position) is determine by recasting the financial statements (see about recasting the financials). The "cash multiple" used in the calcuation below is determined by the market and industry.
assessment calculators
The 4-Year cash assessment look at the profiability of the business over the past 4 years. Use this paramter if the past 4 years reflect your current market position.. If profitability is trending up over the past 4 years, the higher the value of the business.
Profitability (net cash position) is determine by recasting the financial statements (see about recasting the financials). The "cash multiple" used in the calcuation below is determined by the market and industry.
assessment calculators
The 3-Year cash assessment look at the profiability of the business over the past 3 years. This calcuation is used for recently estabished businesses that don't have a long history. If profitability is trending up over the past 3 years, the higher the value of the business.
Profitability (net cash position) is determine by recasting the financial statements (see about recasting the financials). The "cash multiple" used in the calcuation below is determined by the market and industry.
assessment calculators
The 2-Year cash assessment look at the profiability of the business over the past 2 years. This is only used to reflect current market value. It may be challenged since the history does not reflect historical support to the numbers..
Profitability (net cash position) is determine by recasting the financial statements (see about recasting the financials). The "cash multiple" used in the calcuation below is determined by the market and industry.
assessment calculators
The Cash-Asset-Value is another valuation parameter that supports the asking price. This parameter is used for a company that have transferrable current assets such as cash, accounts receivables, inventory, etc.
Profitability (net cash position) is determine by recasting the financial statements (see about recasting the financials). Current assets are based on market value - the current market cost to replace that asset.
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Krayton M Davis Executive Director, CFOne Business Advisory Services Serving Richmond and Northern VA 1-571-306-3590 or e-mail your inquiry to: |